Influence of tumor topography on clinical-morphological profile of laryngeal malignancies

Vol. 64 No. 3, 2023


Eduard Andrei Gheorghe, Iancu Emil Plesea, Luminita Svetlana Welt, Georgian Halcu, Maria Camelia Foarfa, Iulica Ionita, Carmen Aurelia Mogoanta, Elena Ionita

Aim: Laryngeal cancers are redoubtable because they are still diagnosed in advanced stages which results in poor survival and the decline of life quality. The authors intend to identify if the tumor topography influences clinical behavior, the morphological profile and therapeutic strategy. Patients, Materials and Methods: The study group included 188 patients with laryngeal malignancies diagnosed and treated in an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Department. The patients have been divided into four groups according to the tumor topography and extension. Three categories of parameters were defined (epidemiological, clinical, and morphological) and analyzed comparatively between the four groups using filter scales and the chi-squared correlation test. Results: Epidemiological parameters (sex, age, socio-economic status) showed no significant differences between the four groups. Clinical parameters (symptoms, lymphadenopathies, surgical procedures, and hospitalization) instead registered significant differences between the four groups. Morphological parameters (longitudinal diameter, transverse diameter, shape, gross aspect, histopathological aspect, grade, local invasion - pT, lymph node invasion - pN, metastases - pM and tumor stage), excepting shape, registered too significant differences between the four groups. The analysis of the whole set of parameters in each group revealed different, distinct profiles for each of the topographic groups, especially for glottic and large tumors. Our results concerning the entire series of tumors ranged in the limits of variation of each of the parameters observed in the literature. Conclusions: Our study revealed that tumors placed in different regions of the larynx have distinct profiles from epidemiological, clinical, and morphological points of view. However, the profile of our entire group of tumors proved to be comparable with the literature data.

Corresponding author: Iancu Emil Plesea, Professor, MD, PhD; e-mail:

DOI: 10.47162/RJME.64.3.04 Download PDF
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