Endodontic fillings evaluated using en face OCT, microCT and SEM

Vol. 62 No. 3, 2021


Marius-Mihai Togoe, Emanuela-Lidia Craciunescu, Florin-Ionel Topala, Cosmin Sinescu, Luminita Maria Nica, Ciprian Ionita, Virgil-Florin Duma, Mihai Rominu, Adrian Gheorghe Podoleanu, Meda-Lavinia Negrutiu

Objectives: The goal of endodontic therapy is mechanically cleaning and shaping the root canal system, the removal of organic and inorganic debris followed by sealing with permanent filling materials. Materials and Methods: Therefore, the aim of this in vitro study was to engage three imagistic methods: (i) en face (ef) time domain (TD) optical coherence tomography (OCT), (ii) micro-computed tomography (microCT), and (iii) scanning electron microscopy (SEM), in terms of their efficiency in assessing the quality of endodontic fillings. So far, is settled that efOCT images can identify defects/voids in several of the investigated root canal fillings and identify gaps of 50 micro-m. Results: The results delivered by microCT technology also showed several imperfections of the endodontic filling but also at the interfaces formed by the sealer and the root canal walls. SEM investigations highlights the complex form of the interface formed the endodontic filling material and the walls of the root canal, as well as shortcomings of the materials from several samples. Gaps of 50 micro-m are identified with efOCT. Conclusions: The net advantage of OCT technology, in respect to the other two technologies consists in its non-invasiveness. The OCT axial resolution is also sufficient to see the material gaps. Another advantage of efOCT investigations is that they allow real-time imaging of complex arrangement at the interfaces of the filling material with dentinal root.

Corresponding author: Emanuela-Lidia Craciunescu, Lecturer, MD, PhD; e-mail: emanuela.craciunescu@umft.ro

DOI: 10.47162/RJME.62.3.17 Download PDF
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