Clinical and pathological features of upper limb nerve tumors - four years retrospective study

Vol. 62 No. 3, 2021


Andreea Grosu-Bularda, Razvan Nicolae Teodoreanu, Flavia Francesca Lita, Florin-Vlad Hodea, Andra-Luana Lazarescu, Valentin Enache, Andreea-Maria Vrancianu, Ioan Lascar

Benign peripheral nerve tumors and malignant peripheral nerve tumors are rarely found in patients with upper limb tumors. A four-year retrospective study was conducted on patients with tumors in the upper limb area admitted to the Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania. Seventeen patients were admitted within this time range, 15 of which were benign and two malignant. All patients required surgical intervention after thorough clinical and imaging evaluation. Benign masses were removed, follow-up examination revealing no local recurrent, as well as good function recovery. On the other hand, malignant tumors due to their highly aggressive features, both determined local recurrence, one requiring upper limb amputation, the other presenting metastases.

Corresponding author: Razvan Nicolae Teodoreanu, MD, PhD; e-mail:

DOI: 10.47162/RJME.62.3.10 Download PDF
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