Spermatic vein aneurysm: a report of a unique case and review of the literature

Vol. 60 No. 3, 2019


Konstantinos Sapalidis, Konstantina Tsopouridou, Maria Florou, Prodromos Hytiroglou, Alexandru Claudiu Munteanu, Valeriu Surlin, Efstathios Pavlidis, Isaak Kesisoglou, Cristina Popescu

A spermatic vessel aneurysm is a rare entity, described only a few times in the literature. In most cases, it is caused by trauma or inflammation and appears as a painful mass in the scrotum or the inguinal area. We present a case of a 22-year-old man who came to our Surgical Department with a painful, palpable mass in the right inguinal area. A spermatic vein aneurysm was diagnosed with the use of ultrasonography and it was surgically excised. The findings were confirmed by pathological examination. The patient is well, four months after surgery. A spermatic vessel aneurysm, though rare, should always be included in the differential diagnosis of a scrotal or inguinal mass. The lesion can be cured by surgical resection.

Corresponding author: Konstantinos Sapalidis, Associate Professor of Surgery, MD, PhD; e-mail: sapalidiskonstantinos@gmail.com

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