Histopathological diagnosis and its correlations with anatomoclinical features, surgical approach and postoperative prognosis in sacral tumors

Vol. 58 No. 2, 2017


Oana Ilona David, Corina-Veronica Lupascu-Ursulescu, Cristian-Dumitru Lupascu, Aurelia Mihaela Sandu, Victor Dan Eugen Strambu, Daniel Alin Cristian, Stefan-Iulian Bedereag, Irina Alexandra Calangea, Elena-Violeta Radu, Ionut-Simion Coman, Vlad Andrei Porojan, Valentin-Titus Grigorean

Introduction: Sacral tumors encompass numerous histopathological types. They represent an uncommon pathology and, when diagnosed, they are often in advanced stage of the disease, becoming a therapeutic challenge. The correct treatment of a sacral tumor should be established by a multidisciplinary team that will assess the exact anatomical, imagistic and histopathological characteristic of the tumors thus choosing an optimal surgical approach while taking into consideration the risk of recurrence. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of both primitive and metastatic sacral tumors in Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania, for a period of 10 years, studying demographic data, clinical signs, anatomical and histopathological features as well as surgical approach and postoperative prognosis. Results: Sacral tumors were diagnosed with a peak incidence in the age group 60-69 years, being more frequent in women. Primitive sacral tumor was predominant and, in this subgroup, chordoma was the most frequent. Metastatic tumors appeared in older subjects. None of the histopathological types associated a preferred topography of the resection or increased resectability. Posterior surgical approach was chosen in most cases, total resection being a hard goal to accomplish due to the invasion of vascular and nervous structures. Bleeding was the most frequently reported incident, carcinomas recording the highest blood loss amongst primitive tumors. Overall prognosis was clearly favorable for subjects diagnosed with primitive sacral tumors. Conclusions: Interpreting imaging data in a clinical context, paying attention to histopathological examination and knowing each histological type characteristics is mandatory in choosing the surgical approach thus obtaining the best postoperative outcome possible.

Corresponding author: Corina-Veronica Lupascu-Ursulescu, MD; e-mail: corina.ursulescu@gmail.com

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