Brain abscess of unknown etiology in a 2-year-old child: a case report

Vol. 56 No. 3, 2015


Georgeta Ligia Stanescu, Ramona Mihaela Nedelcuta, Dalia Dop, Radu Diaconu, Gigi Calin, Elena Carmen Niculescu, Cristian Gheonea, Radu Stanescu, Liliana Anghelina, Mihail-Relu Stanescu

We present a case of brain abscess necroptically discovered in a 2-year-old child hospitalized in the Pediatrics Clinic of the Filantropia Municipal Hospital, Craiova, Romania. The family, with a poor financial situation, reports previous episodes that may be interpreted as comitial crises. Clinically speaking, he presents a height-weight hypertrophia, vitamin D loss rickets, and psychomotor retardation. At the objective examination, we found a weight of 10 500 g, second and third degree mesocardiac systolic beat and cardiomegaly in the thorax-cardiac-pulmonary X-ray examination. Despite the intensive treatment, death occurs few hours after hospitalization. During the autopsy, there is observed a partial dehiscence of the cranial arch sutures, with a 6/5 cm ovalary cavity in the parietal lobe, containing approximately 200 mL of yellow-green serous liquid, with uneven walls, but with no hemorrhagic or puss infiltrates. The heart is enlarged (in comparison to the general somatic development) of 9/7/4 cm, without any cardiac malformations. The microscopic examination showed degenerative neuronal and ischemic lesions on the left-brain hemisphere. Comparing to the data from specialty literature, we consider it as a yellow brain softening (according to Rokitansky s classification), most probably of an embolic cause.

Corresponding author: Ramona Mihaela Nedelcuta, MD, PhD; e-mail:

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