The importance of histopathology findings in lymphomatoid papulosis

Vol. 55 No. 4, 2014


Laura Gheuca Solovastru, Dan Vata, Delia Ciobanu, Laura Statescu, Maria Rotaru

Lymphomatoid papulosis, part of the controversial group of cutaneous lymphoproliferative pseudolymphoma disorders, raises important clinical and histopathological problems. It is a chronic, recurrent, clinically characterized by popular necrotic lesions and papulo-pustular nodules, sometimes self-limiting and characterized by histopathological changes suggestive of cutaneous lymphoma (CD30-positive). Since its introduction, in 1968, the term lymphomatoid papulosis was subject to dispute in terms of classification in malignancies, premalignant or benign skin disease. We submit for consideration the case of a man with papulo-necrotic skin lesions evolving for about one year with post therapeutic remission and relapses, with histopathology of lymphomatoid papulosis. The evolution under systemic glucocorticoids has been favorable, with remission of skin lesions in about three months without relapses to date.

Corresponding author: Dan Vata, Assistant Professor, MD, PhD; e-mail:

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