Gingival inflammatory infiltrate analysis in patients with chronic periodontitis and diabetes mellitus

Vol. 52 No. 4, 2011


Madalina Olteanu, Petra Surlin, B. Oprea, Anne-Marie Rauten, R. M. Popescu, Mimi Nitu, Georgiana-Cristiana Camen, O. Caraivan

Diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease are two pathological entities that destructively emphasize each other. The aim of our study was the histological and immunohistochemical analyze of the inflammatory infiltrate in the gingival tissue at patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and periodontal disease. Materials and Methods: The study was achieved on gingival tissue from 40 patients with DM and specific symptoms of periodontal disease. We used Hematoxylin-Eosin and trichromic Goldner-Szekely staining and CD20cy and CD45RO antibodies. Results: In patients with DM under 10 years, we found an intense periodontal lymphocyte inflammatory infiltrate and in patients with a DM evolution more than 10 years, the lymphocyte inflammatory infiltrate had a less intensity. The pattern was mostly diffuse in lamina propria. Many patients had a very abundant plasmocyte infiltrate. During immunohistochemical exam, 25 cases presented CD20 positive immunostaining. The intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate with B-lymphocytes was very low (score 1). All immunohistochemical analyzed cases presented CD45RO positive immunostaining, with a mixed pattern of the T-cell lymphocyte infiltrate. Conclusions: The nflammatory infiltrate in diabetic periodontal disease was polymorph, mostly with a diffuse pattern in gingival chorion. The intensity of the lymphocyte infiltrate was higher in patients with chronic periodontitis and DM less than 10 years. Positive CD45RO T-lymphocytes were more numerous compared to positive CD20 B-lymphocytes and they were present intra and under epithelial in the gingival of all the patients, no matter of the DM time evolution.

Corresponding author: Madalina Olteanu, DRD, MD, e-mail:

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