Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the colon - a histochemical study

Vol. 52 No. 3 Suppl., 2011
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M. Ionila, Cl. Margaritescu, D. Pirici, S. S. Mogoanta

Colorectal carcinoma is a major cause of cancer associated with a high rate of morbidity and mortality in the western world. One of the pathologic features considered to be important for prognostic is mucin production. Many authors confirmed that colon carcinomas with high mucin content tend to re-occur locally and carry a poor prognosis. For histochemical evaluation of mucin content, we investigated 149 patients who underwent surgical resection of sporadic colon adenocarcinomas, all over a 5-year period. For histological classification we used the WHO recommendation (2000) and to be more accurate we sub-classified mucinous adenocarcinomas by morphometrical analysis in three categories: pure mucinous, with extracellular mucin more than 80% of the tumoral volume; mixed type, with 50-80% extracellular mucin; and mixed type with less than 50% extracellular mucin. For histochemical investigation, we used stains such as: mucicarmine, PAS/Alcian Blue and High Iron Diamine/Alcian Blue. Our study proved the predominance of mixed mucinous adenocarcinomas with less than 50% extracellular mucin, followed by the pure mucinous type. From the biochemical composition's point of view, the predominant cases were those with acidic mucins, especially in pure mucinous adenocarcinomas (>90%), while those with mixtures of acidic and neutral mucins were present in 62% of the cases. In addition, our study showed the prevalence of sialomucins over sulphomucins (68%), particularly in pure mucinous adenocarcinomas (77%). Clinical pure mucinous forms were detected mainly in advanced stages, but in terms of lymph node metastasis rate, they were secondary after mixed type with 50-80% extracellular mucin.

Corresponding author: Claudiu Margaritescu, Associate Professor, MD, PhD, e-mail:

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Monica Stavarachi, N. M. Panduru, C. Serafinceanu, E. Mota, Maria Mota, D. Cimponeriu, Daniela Adriana Ion

SELL (L-selectin) is a candidate gene for several complex diseases including diabetes mellitus and renal failure. Our aim was to investigate the involvement of P213S SELL gene polymorphism (rs2229569) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and related end stage renal disease (ESRD). Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without ESRD (n=250) or with ESRD (n=90), ESRD patients without diabetes (n=119) and sex and age matched healthy subjects (n=459) were analyzed in this study. DNA samples from all these subjects were genotyped for the P213S polymorphism by PCR-RFLP technique. Statistical analysis indicated that SELL P213S genotypes and alleles were similar distributed in the patients and control groups (ORSS=0.37, CI 95%: 0.131>0.372>1.06, p=0.05, Yate's correction p=0.09, for T2DM patients without ESRD, ORSS=2.04, CI 95%: 0.365>2.047>1.465, p=0.4, Yate's correction p=0.67, for T2DM patients with ESRD and ORSS=1, CI95%: 0.198>1>5.057, p=1, Yate's correction p=0.67, for non-diabetic with ESRD patients). Also, no significant differences were noticed when we compared the ESRD subjects with diabetes vs. non-diabetic ones (OR=1.798, CI 95%: 0.392>1.798>8.245, p=0.44, Yate's correction p=0.7). No statistically significant results were found in order to sustain the hypothesis of association between SELL gene P213S polymorphism, type 2 diabetes mellitus and end stage renal disease.

Corresponding author: Monica Stavarachi, Research Assistant, PhD, e-mail:

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