Histological evaluation of pure NOTES - related complications in a survival animal study

Vol. 52 No. 3 Suppl., 2011
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St. Patrascu, V. Surlin, S. Ramboiu, E. Georgescu

Considered as an extension of both laparoscopic surgery and interventional endoscopy, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is emerging as a new alternative of minimal invasive surgery. Literature on the gastrointestinal complications of this novel technique is sparse. The goal of this study was the histopathologic evaluation of postoperative complications in a NOTES experimental animal group. Ten female pigs (Sus scrofus domesticus) underwent transgastric endoscopic oophorectomy and tubectomy followed by gastric closure using OTSC clips. Fourteen days after surgery, the animals were sacrificed. Based on the gross examination during necropsy focused excisional biopsies were performed. Gross and microscopic evidence of gastric ulcer distal to the puncture site and perigastric lymph node abscess were found on one animal. Histological evaluation plays a determinant role in the correct evaluation of postoperative complications of pure NOTES procedures.

Corresponding author: Stefan Patrascu, MD, PhD candidate, e-mail: stef.patrascu@gmail.com

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Arzu Hizay, B. M. Demirel, Guzide Gokhan, L. Sarikcioglu, N. Demir

Aim: FK506 (also known Tacrolimus, Prograf) is an immunosuppressant drug which is used to prevent rejection after organ transplantation. Although there are several studies on neuroprotective effect of FK506 on brain ischemia, few reports on effects of FK506 after peripheral nerve ischemia have been reported. In the present study, we examined the size of watershed area after stripping of the epineurial vessels and studied the effect of FK506 on reduction of the size of watershed area. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight adult female rats were used and randomly divided into four groups as control, sham, FK506-treated and vehicle-treated. In FK506-treated and vehicle-treated groups epineurial vessels around the sciatic nerve (vasa nervorum) were stripped. Additionally, FK506-treated group were received subcutaneous injection of 5 mg/kg FK506. Percent of watershed area (100 x total watershed areas / total nerve area) after stripping and FK506 treatment was calculated. Results: We found no significant difference in comparison of the total size of watershed areas in FK506 and vehicle-treated groups or even the percent of the watershed area in both groups. Conclusions: We think that this study will be helpful to understand neuroprotective effect of FK506 and will give an insight into sparing of the nerve fibers from vascular injuries of the peripheral nerve.

Corresponding author: Levent Sarikcioglu, Associate Professor, PhD, e-mail: levent@akdeniz.edu.tr, sarikcioglul@yahoo.com

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