An anatomical and clinical insight on brachialis with emphasis on portal's muscle

Vol. 51 No. 3, 2010


Rajanigandha Vadgaonkar, Rajalakshmi Rai, S. R. Nayak, Sujatha D'Costa, Vasudha Saralaya, Dhanya

There have been conflicting descriptions regarding the anatomy of portal's muscle in the literature. The purpose of the present study seeks to clarify the presence, morphology, and potential function of this muscle in order to refine surgical techniques around the elbow. Forty-eight formalin fixed upper extremities were dissected and observed for attachments of brachialis meticulously and particularly over the anterior elbow joint capsule with special emphasis to the anatomical relation of the deeper fibers to the joint. It was found that there were varying patterns of muscular attachments over the anterior joint capsule with majority of the fibers of brachialis simply passing superficial to the joint capsule. The highest concentration of fibers was noted on the inferior part of the joint capsule, which was attached via connective tissue. These fibers were the deepest fibers of brachialis muscle that had no affect on the joint capsule following tension. Knowledge of this muscle may help the surgeons who operate in the elbow region to be tension free in preserving such fibers of clinically less importance.

Corresponding author: Rajalakshmi Rai, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:

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