Prostate lesions with cribriform / pseudocribriform pattern

Vol. 51 No. 3, 2010


Alis Dema, Angela Borda, Elena Lazar, Codruta Lazureanu, Sorina Taban, Denisa Anderco, Marioara Cornianu, Anca Muresan, Diana Herman, Andrada Loghin, R. Cornea, Alexandra Faur

Prostate lesions with cribriform / pseudocribriform architecture range from normal histological structures to infiltrative carcinoma. In each group of lesions with cribriform architecture (benign, premalignant and malignant intraductal or infiltrating), there are situations in which histological classification of the lesion is difficult or impossible on routine stains. A more wide-scale application of the immunohistochemical investigation for clearing up the problematic prostate lesions led to the definition and reclassification of cribriform lesions in distinct categories and sometimes very different in terms of progression, prognosis and treatment. This paper proposes an overview of the prostate lesions with cribriform / pseudocribriform architecture, emphasizing the morpho-immunohistochemical criteria for positive and differential diagnosis.

Corresponding author: Alis Dema, Professor, MD, PhD, e-mail:

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