Modifications of the dental pulp in marginal periodontitis. Electronomicroscopical contributions

Vol. 47 No. 1, 2006


V. Deva, Maria Vătăman, H. Manolea

Histological studies on teeth with marginal periodontitis, but without cavity lesions have shown a frequent apparition of modifications in the pulp tissue structure. In this study, by using the electron microscopy method, we have shown a series of interesting aspects of the intimate modifications that appear on the level of all components of the pulp tissue. The observations show that the degree of affecting can be correlated to the type of marginal periodontitis, and at the same time, they contribute to a right evaluation of the defensive abilities of the pulp of the teeth with marginal periodontitis.

Corresponding author: Virgil Deva, MD, PhD, e-mail:

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