Correlations between the colic branches of the mesenteric arteries and the vascular territories of the colon

Vol. 46 No. 3, 2005


M. C. Niculescu, V. Niculescu, Iulia-Camelia Ciobanu, Ecaterina Daescu, Adelina Jianu, Alina-Maria Sisu, Codruta-Ileana Petrescu, A. Motoc

The study, done on 100 corpses from the dissection rooms of anatomy laboratory, hinted the morphological variability of the colic arteries and their territories. Morphological variability of the colic branches derived from the mesenteric arteries (superior right colic artery - 98%; middle right colic artery - 88%; inferior right colic artery - 100%; middle colic artery - 36%; superior left colic artery - 100%; middle left colic artery - 50%; inferior left colic artery - 100%) allows us to give out a morphogenetic supposition related their ramification and number. Analyze of the results guide us to a tentative of setting down the vascular territories of the colon. In the beginning were established the territories of the mesenteric arteries (superior and inferior) and after that, were marked the subterritories for each colic artery. Establishing the vascular territories of the colic arteries have not only anatomical importance but also a surgical one, been known the difficult postoperatory colon's revitalization.

Corresponding author: Marius Corneliu Niculescu, MD, PhD, e-mail:

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