Collection, isolation and characterization of the stem cells of umbilical cord blood

Vol. 54 No. 2, 2013


Tatiana Revencu, Victoria Trifan, Ludmila Nacu, Tatiana Gutium, L. Globa, A. G. M. Motoc, V. Nacu

The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a rich source of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells and it can be used for cellular therapy. This article presents data achieved from 50 cord blood samples (46 in utero, four ex utero). The nucleated cells were isolated from the cord blood using a dextran solution. The quantity of stem cells having the immunophenotype CD34+, CD45+ and CD90+ was determined, using flow cytometry. The nucleated cells were cultivated in a DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) and biochemical and cytogenetic tests was later performed.

Corresponding author: Tatiana Revencu, PhD student; e-mail:

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