C677T and A1298C methylenetetrahydropholate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms as factors involved in ischemic stroke

Vol. 52 No. 4, 2011


D. Arsene, Gisela Gaina, Carmen Balescu, Carmen Ardeleanu

Background: Ischemic stroke is a major health problem. Data regarding the possible association between ischemic stroke and the polymorphism of methylenetetrahydropholate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C are still conflictual. Aim: The study tried to assess the association of the two MTHFR polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in a series of patients from a unique hospital center. Materials and Methods: The study comprised a total of 127 patients (67 with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke diagnosed by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging) and 60 control cases. The method we used was reverse hybridization performed on peripheral blood for C677T and A1298C polymorphisms. In all patients a careful clinical examination, laboratory analyses of cholesterol, glucose amount and triglycerides, as well as their medical history were available. Results: The mean age of stroke patients was 68.73 years, and 55.2% were males. Gene analysis for C677T disclosed the presence of TT genotype in more control subjects than in stroke series (15% and 7.46% respectively). Also, the overall T allele (CT+TT cases) was present in 71.6% of control cases, as compared with 44.7% stroke patients. 1298C allele was almost equally distributed among the two series. No statistically significant correlations of the two genotypes with infarct localization and dimensions ant with other potential risk factors (hypertension, lipids, diabetes mellitus) were observed. Conclusions: The two MTHFR polymorphisms, C677T and A1298C, seemed not related to the onset of ischemic stroke in our study. However, they could be rather involved in hemorrhagic stroke, as seen in our control patients. Further evaluation on larger series is mandatory since homocysteine activity (related to MTHFR activity) could be easily influenced by folate or cobalamin derivatives.

Corresponding author: Dorel Arsene, MD, PhD, e-mail: dorelarsene@yahoo.com

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