Warthin tumor - morphological study of the stromal compartment

Vol. 52 No. 4, 2011


Luminita Daguci, Cristiana Simionescu, A. Stepan, Cristina Munteanu, C. Daguci, Marilena Bataiosu

Warthin tumor is the second most common benign tumors of the parotid gland, after pleomorphic adenoma. Our study was performed on 21 cases with Warthin tumor diagnosed between 2005-2010, which were analyzed clinically, histologically and immunohistochemically, using anti-CD20 and anti-CD45RO antibodies. The analysis of age distribution within the investigated cases indicated that Warthin tumor incidence is increasing in the seventh decade of life, most patients being male (M/F 5/2). Histopathological, the analysis report of stroma/parenchyma in 14 cases revealed a balanced distribution of the two components, in four cases, the epithelial component was predominant and in three cases, the stromal component was predominant. Immunohistochemical study for the two specific lymphocyte proliferation markers indicated positivity for both epithelial component and stroma. Cell layout of CD45RO and CD20cy at the level of lymphoid stroma had a similar pattern with normal or reactive lymph nodes.

Corresponding author: Cristiana Simionescu, Professor, MD, PhD, e-mail: csimionescu2004@yahoo.com

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