Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical characteristics in patients with tumors of urinary bladder and renal failure

Vol. 48 No. 2, 2007


R. Buzulică, E. Traşcă, Iuliana Nicolescu, Polixenia Stancu, E. T. Traşcă

Chronic renal failure in patients with tumors of urinary bladder appears because of either familial tubulo-interstitial pielonephritis evolution (Balkan Endemic Nephropathy) or invasion and obstructive uropathy. A group of 27 clinical cases with tumors of urinary bladder and renal failure was available for our study between the years 2004-2005. Simultaneity of the two serious diseases, neoplasia and terminal renal failure made the prognostic more difficult and determined some other complications to appear. Identification of some clinical and histopathological features in due time led to a therapeutic algorithm favorable to a prolonged survival.

Corresponding author: Radu Buzulică, MD, e-mail:

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